# Forms

Forms provide a convenient way to store, organize and maintain data of many kinds, such as your page content. You may create as many Forms as you like.

Forms are divided into form collections to keep the overview. For example, the forms home and faq, which contain the page content for the pages home and faq, can be included in the collection pages.

# Create

A form can be created using the following artisan command:

php artisan fjord:form

A wizard will take you through all required steps. The corresponding config and the controller is created afterwards.

# Permissions

Now you need to specify a permission group in the _make_form_permissions migration. You can create a permission group for each form or only for each collection. For example, for the collection pages in which all forms for the static pages of a website are located, you can create a group for all pages or for each individual form.

The permissions read {group} and update {group} are created for all groups that are specified.

protected $groups = [
    // For the collection:
    // Or for a single form:

The migration can now simply be rolled back and re-run using the artisan command fjord:form-permissions.

php artisan fjord:nav-permissions


Try to use as few groups as possible to keep permission management simple.

# Controller (Authorization)

A controller has been created in Controllers/Form/{collection} in which the authorization for all operation is specified. Operations can be read and update.

 * Authorize request for permission operation and authenticated fjord-user.
 * Operations: read, update
 * @param FjordUser $user
 * @param string $operation
 * @return boolean
public function authorize(FjordUser $user, string $operation): bool
    return $user->can("{$operation} pages");

Add the navigation entry by adding the form.{collection}.{form} preset to your navigation.

$nav->preset('form.pages.home', [
    'icon' => fa('home'),

# Configuration

Define the form config in the created config file: Config/Form/{collection}/{form}Config.php. First the controller must be specified in the config:

use FjordApp\Controllers\Form\Pages\HomeController;

 * Controller class.
 * @var string
public $controller = HomeController::class;

# Container Size

By default, the containers for the update Form have a maximum width. If you want the containers to expand to the maximum width for a better overview, this can be achieved with expandContainer.

 * Set bootstrap container to fluid.
 * @var boolean
public $expandContainer = false;

# Update Form

Next, the configuration for the form can be adjusted.

# Retrieve Data

In order to retrieve the form data, you have to add the Form Facade to your controller. Data can now be easily retrieved with the load function like this:

use Fjord\Support\Facades\Form;

$form = Form::load('pages', 'home');

This allows the data to be passed directly to a View.

use Fjord\Support\Facades\Form;

return view('home')->with([
    'home' => Form::load('pages', 'home')

and be used in a Blade template:

<h1>{{ $home->title }}</h1>

It is also possible to load all data for a collection as shown in the example:

use Fjord\Support\Facades\Form;

$settings = Form::load('settings');



Use View composers to load global Form data to your Views.

View::composer('*', function ($view) {
    $view->with('settings', Form::load('settings', 'main'));