# Models

The main task of an admin panel is to manage data. The package offers easy editing and managing of Laravel Eloquent Models. For a clear administration of models, a suitable index table and the corresponding create and update form are needed. The package also comes with powerful open source packages to make models translatable, sluggable and to attach media. The following packages are used for this:

The fjord/app/Config/Crud directory contains all configuration files for your CRUD-Models. Each model has its own file and is set up individually. Configurations can be created for existing Models.

# Create

In order to create your index table and update & edit form three things are needed.

  • Model
  • Controller
  • Config

They can be created all at once using the following artisan command:

php artisan fjord:crud

A wizard will take you through all required steps for setting up a fresh CRUD-Model.


If a Model already exists, it wont be changed. Only the configuration file and the controller will be created. This allows existing models to be made editable using fjord:crud as well.

# Migrate

Edit the newly created migration and add all table fields you need. For the translation of models laravel-translatable from astronomic is used. Pay attention to translatable and non-translatable fields.

In the migration all permissions for the corresponding model are created in the permissions array. It's possible that the permissions are used by another model. For example, it makes sense not to give extra permissions for article_states but to use the permissions from articles. In this case the array can simply be left empty.

class CreateArticlesTable extends Migration

     * Permissions that should be created for this crud.
     * @var array
    protected $permissions = [
        'create articles',
        'read articles',
        'update articles',
        'delete articles',


After all fields and permissions have been defined, the migration can be executed.

php artisan migrate

# Model(s)

Edit the created model in app/models. Add all fillable attributes to avoid mass assignment. If the Model is translatable you have to set the fillable attributes on the corresponding translation-model in the App\Models\Translations directory and add all translatable attributes like in the given example:


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

// ...

class Article extends Model
     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = ['title', 'text'];

    // ...

namespace App\Models\Translations;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;


class ArticleTranslation extends Model
    use Sluggable;


Make sure the Sluggable trait and configuration are in the correct Model when using translatable Models.

# Controller (authorization)

A controller has been created in which the authorization for all operations is specified. Operations can be create, read, update and delete.

public function authorize(FjordUser $user, string $operation): bool
    return $user->can("{$operation} articles");

In order to assign authorizations for individual models, the initial query can simply be edited in the controller:

public function query()
    return $this->model::where('created_by', fjord_user()->id);

Add the navigation entry by adding the crud.{table_name} preset to your navigation.

$nav->preset('crud.articles', [
    'icon' => fa('newspaper')

# Configuration

Define the CRUD-Config in the created config file: Config/Crud/{model}Config.php. First the model and the controller must be specified in the config:

use App\Models\Article;
use FjordApp\Controllers\Crud\ArticleController;

 * Model class.
 * @var string
public $model = Article::class;

 * Controller class.
 * @var string
public $controller = ArticleController::class;

# Index Table, Create & Update Form

Next, the configuration for the Index Table and the create and update Form can be adjusted.