# Ui Kit

A package with helper functions and Blade components for your fjord project.

# Setup

Publish the necessary assets.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BladeScript\ServiceProvider"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BladeStyle\ServiceProvider"

To include all styles and scripts the x-styles tag must be placed in the head and the x-scripts tag at the end of the body.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">

        <x-styles />

        <x-scripts />

# Customize

If you want to customize the blade components, you can simply publish them and edit them as desired.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Fjord\Ui\FjordUiServiceProvider" --tag=views

# Image

The image component uses lazy loading and prints a base64 string of the image before loading it. It also outputs the appropriate media conversion for the corresponding screen sizes.

The component requires an image parameter with a media model:

<x-fj-image :image="$model->image"/>

The component lazy loads images and previews a minified base64 version of the image untill it is loaded: fjord lazy loading

You may disable lazy loading by setting the lazy attribute to false:

<x-fj-image :image="$model->image" :lazy="false" />

# Helpers

# child_is_active

The child is active determines wether a list item has a child with an active route. The following example will add the is-active class when a list item has an active route that is added from route field.

$form->route('route_field')->collection('app')->title('Pick a route.');
@foreach($data->list as $item)
	<span class="child_is_active($item, 'route_field', 'is-active')">
		{{ $item->title }}