# Installation

# Requirements

An existing Laravel project is required to install the package as well as a database connection. The package requires PHP 7.4+ and Laravel 7+. As well as all requirements of spatie/laravel-medialibrary 8.2+.

# Setup

Installing the package into an existing Laravel application via Composer:

composer require aw-studio/fjord

The application will automatically register the needed service providers. The next step is to process all publishes and migrations by typing the following artisan command:

php artisan fjord:install

Now all models have been moved to the app/models folder, all required files have been published and all migrations have been executed.

The admin interface can be reached via the standard route /admin. The route may be changed in the config file fjord.php by changing the route_prefix key.

The final step is to create an admin user so you can log in to the backend:

php artisan fjord:admin

The wizard will guide you through the process of entering the required user data.